Strategy and Publications

Strategy and Publications

Annual Report & Review

Please feel free to download our Annual Reports.

We now have a shiny new annual report:

You can look at all the other reports by clicking here

Extreme Heat Risk Assessment

Here you will find the Orpheus risk assessment for dealing with extreme heat and the control measures in place.

Memorandum and Articles of Association

Read or download our Memorandum and Articles of Association here.

Orpheus Organisational Strategy 2020-2025

Orpheus Organisational Strategy 2020-2025, outlines our strategic priorities which will shape Orpheus over the next five years. 


Being an Orpheus student means learning independence skills through the arts. We’ve got experienced teaching staff, excellent professional artists, a comprehensive work experience programme, and first-rate resources to help you on your journey.

For any queries, please contact

Solicitation Statement

The Orpheus Centre is a registered charity and we depend upon donations to carry out our work, for example with big projects like our new kitchen.

We write to our individual donors to ask them to support our work, as well as apply to a number of charitable trusts, foundations and companies for grants. We also hold special events like our audience with Dame Judi Dench held at Sir Richard Stilgoe’s home, Trevereux Manor, in the summer of 2016.

We are very fortunate to be the recipient of many donations from supporters in the local community and hold a number of challenge events each year that individuals can take part in and raise money for Orpheus.

Ordinarily, our own paid staff and volunteers will carry out any fundraising, but occasionally we do make use of third parties, for example in writing large grant applications to statutory bodies or foundations. For every £1 that we spent on fundraising this year, we raised £5.50 towards our work supporting young disabled people on their journey to independence.