Equality, Diversity and Inclusion


Inclusion is at the heart of what we do and who we are at Orpheus. As well as being one of our core values, it is a huge part of our mission to help young disabled adults thrive every day. 

We have 6 main EDI objectives which you can read more about below. As well as our commitment as a Disability Confident Leader. 

Throughout the year, we host many events and deliver training to highlight the needs, challenges, and celebrations of people from different ethnicities, religions, marriages and Partnerships, families,  ages, genders, orientations, and of course disabilities.

Equality and Diversity Annual Report

The purpose of this report is to bring transparency to our progress in advancing Equality, Diversity and Inclusion at Orpheus, specifically our progress in meeting our equality objectives.

In our most recent Ofsted inspection it was identified that “learners respect each other and value the diversity of the college community…using learner led forums learn to use their ‘voice’ to effect change in the provision at the college”. Good progress has been made in establishing benchmarks against which we can measure improvement over the course of the next three years

Equality Objectives

Equality objectives were developed in conjunction with staff, students and volunteers at the Orpheus Centre.
The lead for Equality & Diversity, Moira Clifton, is responsible for delivery of these objectives. Progress is reported to trustees quarterly and outcomes summarised in our annual report. 

Objective 1

Actively promote arts employment opportunities for young disabled adults

Protected characteristics this supports: Disability, age

We will do this by:

  • Using our outreach projects as a tool for change
  • Enabling change in employer practice via our Student Access Group
  • Modelling disabled led business initiatives via our student enterprise groups and Arts Centre approach
  • Establishing an advisory Expert & Employer Forum
  • Securing paid work opportunities for our students in the arts
  • Creating a toolkit for employers around employing disabled people
  • Promoting employment of disabled people to our suppliers
  • Securing a wider platform for student work that addresses this issue
  • Championing the Disability Confident scheme within our local and business communities

Objective 2

Actively represent different cultures and beliefs.

Protected characteristics this supports: Religion & beliefs

We will do this by:

  • Introducing a multi-faith space for reflection
  • Delivering civility training on how to respect the beliefs of others
  • Establishing a multi-faith chaplaincy
  • Promoting greater understanding through whole organisation celebrations of different cultures and beliefs
  • Continuing to serve food from a wide range of cultures in our canteen

Objective 3

Take positive action to make sure staff going through the menopause are supported.

Protected characteristics this supports: Age, sex, disability

We will do this by:

  • Taking the Menopause Workplace Pledge
  • Providing training for managers on supporting staff through the menopause
  • Establishing a staff menopause support group
  • Providing information for all staff on menopause in the workplace
  • Providing specific support for those affected by the menopause via Lifeworks/Help at Hand
  • Providing reasonable adjustments to menopausal staff
  • Ensuring risk assessments take menopausal symptoms into account
  • Specifically addressing menopausal issues through our policies
  • Appointing a Menopause Diversity Champion

Objective 4

Promote a healthy work/life balance for our staff.

Protected characteristic this supports: Marriage & civil partnership, sex and pregnancy and maternity.

We will do this by:

  • Training managers in applying reasonable adjustments
  • Accommodating flexible working applications where possible.
  • Improve visibility of flexible working within recruitment ads
  • Offering a range of authorised time off work options
  • Offering remote working options for staff in applicable roles
  • Encouraging regular breaks
  • Regularly reviewing workloads
  • Leading by example
  • Ensuring staff take their full holiday entitlement
  • Exploring options for discounted childcare
  • Offering perks and health support via Lifeworks/Help at Hand
  • Promoting free use of outdoor gym equipment and wellbeing activities
  • Signing up to a recognised staff wellbeing charter

Objective 5

Increase diversity within our staff, volunteers and trustees 

Protected characteristic this supports: Age, Race & ethnicity, disability, sex

We will do this by:

  • Building closer links with schools, colleges and universities
  • Developing more work experience opportunities
  • Exploring options for discounted childcare
  • Continuing to adopt a skills-based approach to hiring
  • Utilising government incentive schemes when available
  • Targeting specific youth volunteering opportunities
  • Continuing to work to diversify our board of trustees
  • Delivering training in unconscious bias to managers and trustees
  • Achieving Disability Confident Employer leader status including understanding, identifying and reducing the barriers that could prevent a colleague with a disability or health condition from performing and/or developing to their full potential
  • Planning for more accessible office space in our new college build

Objective 6

Increase participation of BAME students.

Protected characteristic this supports: Race & ethnicity.

We will do this by:

  • Retaining and reviewing ethnicity data for all applicants
  • Establishing a working group to improve equality and diversity in student recruitment
  • Carrying out an Equality Impact Assessment of current admissions policy and process
  • Increasing outreach to feeder schools and communities with potential BAME students
  • Increase transitions activity in feeder schools with potential BAME students
  • Encouraging BAME applicants via a marketing campaign
  • Reaching out to faith groups in the BAME community via our multi-faith chaplaincy
  • Eliminating potential sources of unconscious bias from our student recruitment process
  • Delivering training in unconscious bias to the student recruitment/assessment team
  • Raising our concerns with local authorities

There is no Equality Objective on narrowing equality gaps for student outcomes and that is because this is not a major issue for Orpheus. Although the Equality Objectives are dominated by the protected characteristic of disability, that is because this is a key issue for Orpheus to address, following analysis of staff and student outcomes and feedback.

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy

Disability Confident Leader

The Orpheus Centre is proud to be a disability confident leader.

We have made a positive commitment to employing disabled people. Reasonable adjustments will be made to the recruitment procedure as required in consultation with the applicant to ensure no-one is disadvantaged because of their disability. If a disabled person is selected for a position, reasonable adjustments will be made to the workplace, including premises and equipment, work duties and practices or policies, as appropriate. All disabled applicants who meet the minimum criteria for the role as set out in the role profile and person specification will be guaranteed an interview.

As a Disability Confident Leader, we are:

  • challenging attitudes towards disability
  • increasing understanding of disability
  • removing barriers to disabled people and those with long-term health conditions
  • ensuring that disabled people have the opportunities to fulfil their potential and realise their aspiration
  • supporting other employers to become disability confident

We have made a positive commitment to employing disabled people. Reasonable adjustments will be made to the recruitment procedure as required in consultation with the applicant to ensure no-one is disadvantaged because of their disability. If a disabled person is selected for a position, reasonable adjustments will be made to the workplace, including premises and equipment, work duties and practices or policies, as appropriate. All disabled applicants who meet the minimum criteria for the role as set out in the role profile and person specification will be guaranteed an interview.

Please contact the HR team for more information hr@orpheus.org.uk